maillog: 08/08/2005-01:08:03(-0700): Donnie Berkholz types
>> snip
> The font-server flag may be necessary in libXfont, but I haven't fully
> explored this yet. If it turns out to be the case, it'll be removed as
> an optional flag and forced on.

Unfortunately, it seems it does. I did it with "-font-server" and the
build of xorg-server failed with errors about missing functions:


emerging libXfont with font-server made xorg-server link just fine.

Still, I believe that it is xorg-server that has to be fixed. It needs
to get "NOFONTSERVERACCESS" defined, which will avoid the call to
fs_register_fpe_functions, and it would need to do something about the
call to check_fs_register_fpe_functions, but I have no idea what.

 >   Georgi Georgiev    > If there is a wrong way to do something,      >
<     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <  then someone will do it. -- Edward A.        <
 >  +81(90)2877-8845    > Murphy Jr.                                    >

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