This time I'll say something useful :)

Nathan, you seem to be misunderstanding open source.  You get the "I
can ask for features or suggest things" part, but not that "I can add
features or do things part".  No one is stopping you, or me, or an
average joe, or George W. Bush, from "peer reviewing".  You can see
the basic things that are commonly wrong by looking at a few
"resolved""wontfix" bugs with ciaranm as the commenter.  Most make the
same mistakes.  After seeing this, what is to stop you from either
manually looking through the tree, or writing a script to check for
you, and fixing some of the problems, submitting them as bugs when
they are fixed.   I cannot imagine any developer would say no to a
well written ebuild, they may wait for a version bump to switch to it,
but they most likely would not ignore it all together.

Hell, maybe if you do a good enough job, and show enough devotion, the
gentoo guru's will even think about making you a developer in charge
of fixing those things. who knows?

On 8/21/05, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Donnie Berkholz posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
> Sun, 21 Aug 2005 03:02:36 -0700:
> > Nathan L. Adams wrote:
> > | What I see with Gentoo is this 'cathedral' being built where only those
> > | folks who have been 'approved' or 'blessed' as being l33t enough are
> > | allowed to review the code and actually cause a positive change when
> > | some bug is found. If you believe Chris Gianelloni's argument, then
> only
> > | those blessed developers who are also blessed by a particular group
> > | within Gentoo are allowed. Eventually the meritocracy degrades into a
> > | popularity contest.
> > 
> > Our code is all available in the portage tree or ViewCVS, and so are all
> > the ebuild bugs in Bugzilla. Nobody's stopping anybody else from
> > reviewing any submissions or filing new bugs. It's just a question of
> > who makes (and therefore approves of) the actual commit.
> > 
> > I don't see where your cathedral is coming from.
> I'm with Donnie on this.  Gentoo's quite the bazaar, IMO.  When I read
> that cathedral thing, my reaction (strong enough to cause a verbal
> outburst as I read your post), was  "Oh, brother!  You don't have any
> idea!"  That as I was physically shaking my head.  I don't know where you
> got the idea that Gentoo's a cathedral at all, as it sure looks to be a
> bazaar from this viewpoint.  You /totally/ lost me with that one.  I
> couldn't disagree more!
> -- 
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman in
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