On Tue, 2005-23-08 at 11:16 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> As an aside to this. Does anyone know how debug information can be changed 
> to have a different basedir. My idea was to create a "custom" strip 
> wrapper that would create external debugging files (like now possible 
> with gdb/binutils) and point them to a location 
> in /usr/src/packagenameplusversion. For that it would be necessary to in 
> some way hack the source location in the debug information.

There is already a patch [1] in bugzilla that does that.. And in bonus
to keeping the debug files (currently in <libpath>/.debug/libname.so.dbg
but that can be changed) . It can also keep the source files
in /usr/src/debug so they can loaded by gdb (pretty useful when
debugging into libraries). 

It creates 3 new features, keepdebug, keepdebugbin and keepsources

keepdebug will keep the debug symbols for libs
keepdebugbin will keep then for non-lib binaries
and keepsources will keep the related sources..

[1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45150

Olivier CrĂȘte
Gentoo Developer
x86 Security Liaison

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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