maillog: 24/08/2005-08:26:26(+0100): Roy Marples types
> On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 16:33 +0200, Sven Köhler wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > i just wrote an init.d-script and i thought that the LANG variable was
> > inherited since it set system-wide in /etc/env.d/02locale and therefor
> > is also found in /etc/profile.env
> Did you env-update?
> > 
> > Now i noticed, that LANG isn't set for the process started by my
> > init.d-script.
> I set LANG and a few other things in /etc/env.d/02locale
> Here's a quick init script called test
> #!/sbin/runscript
> start() {
>     set | grep LANG
> }
> Now, lets see what it does
> uberpc init.d # ./test start
>  * Starting service test
> LANG=en_GB.utf8
> LANGUAGE=en_GB.utf8
>     set | grep LANG
>  * Service test started OK

Try unsetting the variable in your own shell first.

lion init.d # /etc/init.d/test restart
    set | grep LANG
lion init.d # LANG=C /etc/init.d/test restart
    set | grep LANG
lion init.d # env -u LANG /etc/init.d/test restart
    set | grep LANG

/    Georgi Georgiev   /  A new koan: If you have some ice cream, I    /
\     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \  will give it to you. If you have no ice      \
/   +81(90)2877-8845   /  cream, I will take it away from you. It is   /
\  ------------------- \  an ice cream koan.                           \
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