On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 16:24 +0200, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 14:00 +0200, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> > I was wondering last night with az about the handling of autotools.
> > They not always require to be re-run by scratch, but when you have to run 
> > aclocal you usually have to run everything after that.
> > Every ebuild handles them in a different way, some ebuilds run them in a && 
> > list and then || die, others runs them one-by-one.
> > Some force updating of support files and some don't.
> > Some adds code to let them print the status to the screen, some hides the 
> > actual output and some don't.
> > 
> I still think a autoreconf is usually enough, except for cases where
> that do not work, and then something like this will not work anyhow.
> Anyhow, if you insist, then rather something like attached.
> PS: elibtoolize is a problem as it might collide with the one from
> libtool.eclass

Apparently I can now use gawk on all the bsd's.  I am touchy about
adding gawk/whatever to the DEPEND, as it sometimes causes issues during
'emerge system' if its in a very base package ...

Martin Schlemmer

# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/eutils.eclass,v 1.194 2005/08/09 
22:40:39 vapier Exp $
# Author: Diego Pettenò <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Enhancements: Martin Schlemmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This eclass is for handling autotooled software packages that
# needs to regenerate their build scripts.
# NB:  If you add anything, please comment it!

inherit eutils gnuconfig


# Internal function to run an autotools' tool
autotools_run_tool() {
        local STDERR_TARGET="${T}/$$.out"
        local PATCH_TARGET="${T}/$$.patch"
        local ris

        echo "***** $1 *****" > ${STDERR_TARGET%/*}/$1-${STDERR_TARGET##*/}
        echo >> ${STDERR_TARGET%/*}/$1-${STDERR_TARGET##*/}

        ebegin "Running $1"
        $@ >> ${STDERR_TARGET%/*}/$1-${STDERR_TARGET##*/} 2>&1
        eend ${ris}

        if [[ ${ris} != 0 ]]; then
                eerror "Failed Running $1 !"
                eerror "Include in your bugreport the contents of:"
                eerror "  ${STDERR_TARGET%/*}/$1-${STDERR_TARGET##*/}"
                die "Failed Running $1 !"

# Internal function to check for support
autotools_check_macro() {
        [[ -f configure.ac || -f configure.in ]] && \
                autoconf --trace=$1 2>/dev/null
        return 0

# Internal function to get additional subdirs to configure
autotools_get_subdirs() {
        local subdirs_scan_out
        subdirs_scan_out=$(autotools_check_macro "AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS")
        [[ -n ${subdirs_scan_out} ]] || return 0
        echo "${subdirs_scan_out}" | gawk \
        '($0 !~ /^[[:space:]]*(#|dnl)/) {
                if (match($0, "AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS\\(\\[?([^\\])]*)", res)) {
                        split(res[1], DIRS, /[\])]/)
                        print DIRS[1]
        }' | uniq

        return 0

# These functions runs the autotools using autotools_run_tool with the
# specified parametes. The name of the tool run is the same of the function
# without e prefix.
# They also force installing the support files for safety.
eaclocal() {
        local aclocal_opts

        [[ -n ${M4DIR} ]] && aclocal_opts="-I \"${M4DIR}\""
        [[ -f aclocal.m4 && -n $(grep -e 'generated.*by aclocal' aclocal.m4) ]] 
&& \
                autotools_run_tool aclocal "$@" ${aclocal_opts}

_elibtoolize() {
        # Check if we should run libtoolize
        [[ -n $(autotools_check_macro "AC_PROG_LIBTOOL") ]] || return 0
        autotools_run_tool libtoolize "$@"
        # Need to rerun aclocal

eautoheader() {
        # Check if we should run autoheader
        [[ -n $(autotools_check_macro "AC_CONFIG_HEADERS") ]] || return 0
        autotools_run_tool autoheader "$@"

eautoconf() {
        if [[ ! -f configure.ac && ! -f configure.in ]] ; then
                eerror "No configure.{ac,in} present in '$(pwd | sed -e 
                die "No configure.{ac,in} present!"

        autotools_run_tool autoconf "$@"

eautomake() {
        [[ -f Makefile.am ]] || return 0
        autotools_run_tool automake --add-missing --force-missing --copy "$@"

# This function mimes the behavior of autoreconf, but uses the different
# eauto* functions to run the tools. It doesn't accept parameters, but
# the directory with include files can be specified with M4DIR variable.
# Note: doesn't run autopoint right now, but runs gnuconfig_update.
eautoreconf() {
        local pwd=$(pwd) x

        # Take care of subdirs
        for x in $(autotools_get_subdirs); do
                if [[ -d ${x} ]] ; then
                        cd "${x}"
                        cd "${pwd}"

        _elibtoolize --copy --force

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