maillog: 22/09/2005-22:48:06(-0700): Duncan types
> Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò posted
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below, 
> on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:52:45 +0200:
> > On Thursday 22 September 2005 12:30, Aaron Walker wrote:
> >> Everyone give Chris a warm welcome.
> > Hi Chris and welcome :)
> > 
> > Btw... you're clee or it's just an omonimity (or whatever is spelt)? :)
> Now you have me wondering which word and why? <--  one of the ones here?

> "Anonymity" (being anonymous, literally, without-name) seems the
> best spelling match, but doesn't fit the sentence structure too well. 
> "Anomaly" (something that doesn't fit the norm) maybe?  (BTW, I needed
> spell-check on that last one, too.  <g>  BTW2, I /prefer/ being
> "anomalous", as to some extent I'd guess most "geeks" do. Who wants to be
> a clone?)  There's not quite enough context there (and I'm not privy to
> whatever previous conversations the comment may be referencing) to guess
> much further.
> Anyway, welcome, Chris!  Just a user (tho a regular dev-group/list
> follower) here, but more devs to make toys for me to play with are
> /always/ welcome! =8^)

(    Georgi Georgiev   (  Do you like "TENDER VITTLES"?              (
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