In response to all replies Thus far,
I as a User,
I expect that arch works (no matter what) - no arguments there
I assume that ~arch will work 95% of the time.
I never ever touch anything in p.mask.

Now, where do we put packages that could work for most users, but they might not work for the other 49% of users? p.mask seems to prevent that 49% of users from trying it, and reporting those bugs, but on the other hand ~arch means that 49% of users using ~arch will have problem x,y, or z.

Now understand, this is the viewpoint of myself, and I have used a full ~arch system for a while, and i didn't ever run into anything more then the occasional package with a new config, or config update that i didnt do properly. (lazy-ness)

things to consider
1) would ?arch become the old ~arch, if it was implemented?
2) would people actually try to run a full ?arch system?
3) #2, would it be possible without breakage?

I personally like the idea of the UNSTABLE="" because to me, it changes nothing, but allows the AT and PM to communicate, on a per-ebuild basis.

(comments welcome)
just some thoughts,

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