
I just opened this in gentoo-portage-dev, but Jason Stubbs told me my ideas are either bad or belong to THIS list, so i try my luck again...

I'd like to have a functionality that prints out what the useflags of a ebuild are good for. Some are obvious, others are not. Example: The useflag "xprint" sounds like printing support, but doesn't tell if you need it if you use cups or the kde-printing system or... whatever.
Jason stated:

Take the USE flag "perl", for example. It has the description "Adds support/bindings for the Perl language." but for mysql setting it enables the installation of some support scripts that just happen to be written in perl.

Another thing is, that i'd like to get some additional information on some ebuilds. Like HOWTOs, known issues, configuration help, related ebuilds (not dependant but useful together)
In my opinion, the easiest way would be a wiki.
Ebuilds could contain an additional field "EBUILDNOTES" or the like, providing the URL. An even more simple way would be to have portage tools (eix, emerge) print an automatically generated link like
as mediawiki pages always have a discussion page attached, this could be used to get in touch with the maintainers of that package. (Only if they want that. This could be noted on the page)

thanks for reading and answering :)

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