On Wednesday 19 October 2005 07:46 am, Petre Rodan wrote:
> is that
> grant all privileges on 'DB'.* to 'user'@'localhost' identified by
> 'password'; deprecated in 4.1?
> because it inserts the line in mysql.users, but authentication is
> impossible :/

Do it here all the time..

> I had to use this syntax to get things going:
> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `DB`.* TO 'user'@'localhost';
> maybe it would be a Good Thing(TM) to add this to the upgrade document?

I have seen this when the mysql tables are out of scope with mysqld. Restart 
is usually the only thing that fixes this.. 

Unless you have MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR defined to low somewhere.. show 
global viariables like 'MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR' will show that.. (something 
to the affect)

And you do NOT need the flush priv command after grant statements, only when 
you go after the priv tables directly.


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