On Monday 31 October 2005 21:07, David Morgan wrote:
> Why not log all the e{info,warn}s into a file, and then tell the user
> about them at the end of the emerge (in the same way they are told about
> changes in /etc)? Said file should then be safe to delete if desired.
> Mailing this info instead (/as well?) could also be available as an
> option (even if the user just wants to use something simple like nbsmtp
> to send it to some email address, rather than having to run their
> own mailserver).
> I guess you could also go for something like freebsd's
> /usr/ports/UPGRADING file, which users are supposed to read before
> upgrading things, but I'm not sure if people would bother reading it.
> Dave
There should also be einfo/ewarn BEFORE emerging (e.g. when calculating 
dependencies => before confirmation for --ask, or at end for --pretend)
this way only relevant information for the current merge would be displayed.

That means that ebuilds should output warnings in a function like pkg_setup 
but this one must be called at right moment (after deps are calculate, but 
before unpacking the first package).

Optionally this method could return a few different return values depending on 
the importance of the info.
  0 = just a note
  1 = important
  2 = blocker (fail emerge if not pretend/ask)


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