On Saturday 19 November 2005 17:39, Duncan wrote:
> 8) Infra has expressed reluctance, and asks the question if we accept this
> one, where might it end?  Legitimate question, but AFAICT, the question is
> no longer whether this is a good idea or not as it's already been decided
> to go ahead, but rather one of implementation, once the subdomain is
> settled upon.

If implementation details have not yet been worked out, that part of the GLEP
and any approval of it is essentially void. In fact, reading over the GLEP
as is currently posted on the website, it's absolutely full of holes. Here's
a quick list from less than a minutes glancing:

A) @(subdomain_to_be_determined).gentoo.org is indeterminate
B) What should be done with the @(subdomain_to_be_determined) email after an
   AT becomes a full dev (and presumably gets a @gentoo.org address)? For how
C) How does one become a Lead AT/HT?
D) What is a Stategic AT Lead?
E) What criteria must an AT meet to be able to receive the shortened
   probationary when moving on to becoming a full dev?
F) Do the various usages of "should" and "could" mean must?

And a few more after reading over it again:

G) What criteria must be met during the inital 30 day mentoring period?
H) What criteria are there for maintaining one's status as an AT?
I) What input does DevRel have in the process of becoming an AT?

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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