Jan Kundrát wrote:
> On Tuesday 06 of December 2005 19:54 Michael Cummings wrote:
> [...]
>>but then no one would be able to go to my space because it would get
>>flagged as porn :/
> If you knew Czech, you would know how could mine surname be interpreted ;-)
> Cheers,
> -jkt
I know Czech.... but can't read or write it. :-D Well maybe a little
bit. I took it as my foreign language in college but didn't put forth
enough effort to really get the reading/writing down well. I can still
understand spoken language well... But anyway...

Yeah so... I don't really know what your last name means... Only thing
close that I see is "female repoductive organ" but of the 4 letter
variation. I dunno... Lemme know... maybe even off list.. :-D

Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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