26.12.2005, 22:21:14, Diego 'Flameeyes' Petteno wrote:

> On Monday 26 December 2005 20:24, Jakub Moc wrote:
>> exactly the same thing with motif - would
>> someone explain why the heck do do we need this thing in make.defaults?
> Because people emerges xpdf waiting for xpdf binary and they won't find it 
> with -motif, as it requires motif integration

Eeek?! This is totally broken behaviour...

> , but I think more people would
> just have xpdf installed because of cups or older kpdf/gpdf versions.
> Now that poppler is there, the problem might be mitigated, in the future, tho,
> as cups still uses xpdf and not poppler yet.

That would be really nice...

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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