Chris Gianelloni wrote: [Tue Jan 03 2006, 12:17:06PM CST]
> I think part of the problem is that many people are forgetting exactly
> what Gentoo really is.  Gentoo is not a distribution of Linux.  Gentoo
> is not anything more than a loosely bound group of developers all doing
> their own thing in a collaborative and collective manner.  You cannot
> use corporate thinking to manage such a beast.  We don't have mission
> statements.  We don't have road maps.  We don't have quarterly earnings
> and market projections.  We simply exist.  The only way we can give
> Gentoo a direction is by restricting what we, as developers, are allowed
> to do.  The only real restrictions we have right now are "be civil" and
> "don't break stuff".  Anything beyond that is inhibiting one of our
> greatest strengths, our individuality and individual ideas.

[remainder snipped]

Well, that was said much better than I managed.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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