Sven Vermeulen wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 06:45:01PM +0000, Luis Medinas wrote:
>>We could start a public wiki displaying all herds and projects. It would
>>be great to add some low level docs, herds/project goals, ideas and so.
>>Even the users could be allowed to edit and share information.
> I would personally welcome additional documentation, but if we're going to
> add an official Wiki for Gentoo, we're basically splitting the documentation
> development on many sides. 

So, maybe we should list the different type of documentation issues
we're facing today. It seems that there are several areas where Gentoo
could improve and speed up documentation on a few things.

 * The GDP docs
 * Herd specific docs/updates
 * Unofficial/draft docs from users/devs

Perhaps we should consider re-evaluating how we deal with documentation
for Gentoo to try and deal with the hodge-podge of documentation
scattered everywhere from numerous self-run trac installs, to self run
wikis of other kinds. Its really starting to hurt Gentoo in some aspect
because of the disjointness of those docs.

What if instead of having proj/en we did herd/en on www? Of course, that
doesn't help the whole "GuideXML is hard" bit. I like the idea of using
RST, but it doesn't seem very scalable at this time. Maybe, instead of
that, we created some kind of development site for herds (maybe
herds.g.o). Could be a place where herds put up status updates, specific
docs, draft docs, etc. Once things get established on that site, docs
could get moved to GDP if it were logical to do.

Now that leaves us to unofficial docs from users. I'm not sure where to
put that. A public wiki poses a whole slew of issues I don't think we
have enough staff to manage. But relying on gentoo-wiki isn't exactly
the best avenue either. Having a site like this is like having another
'team' similar to the forums trying to maintain order/facts. There needs
to be another solution that doesn't require as much effort on our part.
I sadly can't think of an answer. I guess the real question is, is this
that much of a problem/issue?

Who knows, its getting late in the night for me and I'm just starting to
think up crazy ideas :-)

In short: Do we need to re-evaluate Gentoo's documentation structure to
better fit the needs of of our users and developers?


Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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