Lares Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I did some rough calculations and we are porting about 29 pkgs/day.
> At this rate it will take roughly 30 days to have all packages ported to
> ModX.
> spyderous wants it tomorrow,
> HalycOn wants it when all is ported.

I didn't say all of it ported.  It seems unreasonable to move it when we have
atleast 800 packages that are not working though.

I don't care the exact date that it happens, nor do I think we should aim for
one.  We should aim for when it will be done in a way that minimizes the
breakage for all of our users.  Yes, breakage will happen, but we can wait
until its down to a more reasonable value.  This huge push to get everything
ported over only started recently, and I think we need more time.

Mark Loeser   -   Gentoo Developer (cpp gcc-porting toolchain x86)
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
                  mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -

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