On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:23:20 +0100
Sven Köhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> I'd like to see, that bootstrap.sh unmerges any old gcc
> >> (emerge -C \<${gcc package that we just compiled})
> > 
> > that's a bad idea imo
> > 
> > let the user decide which gcc they wish to have
> But doesn't bootstrap.sh rebuild gcc? I have to take a look again,
> but i think bootstrap.sh rebuilt gcc 3.4 only - not 3.3.
> gcc 3.3 was only rebuilt during "emerge -e system".

that sounds rather unlikely, if gcc-3.4 was installed `emerge -e system`
would have rebuilt it, not the 3.3 version (unless there is a dep on
<3.4 in system).


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