On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 16:31 -0600, MIkey wrote:
> The way I read it, the gcc-3.4.4-r1.ebuild includes a dependency on
> libstdc++-v3 and =sys-devel/gcc-3.3* if "build" is not in your USE
> environment.  The bootstrap during bootstrap.sh sets that build flag.  Any
> subsequent installs of gcc-3.4.4-r1 are going to install libstdc++-v3, no
> matter what you do (at least x86 users).  Or maybe I am just reading that
> PDEPEND wrong.

You're reading it wrong.  The bootstrap USE flag is set during
bootstrap, not the build USE flag.  This means libstdc++-v3 (or gcc 3.3)
is required at the bootstrap level.  The reason that libstdc++-v3
doesn't get pulled into bootstrap is because gcc 3.3 is already
installed.  If you take a stage1 that was built with gcc 3.4, such as
the builds I have been testing which will eventually become 2006.0, you
will find that libstdc++-v3 is pulled into bootstrap, as expected.  In
the future, the dependency will be removed from gcc, as it is being
transitioned off to packages that require it instead.

> Regardless, I have never had to mask out lower versions of gcc before.  I
> assumed the reason for the dependency was a half ass attempt to keep idiots
> from thoughtlessly destroying their toolchain.

Perhaps it was to support binary packages that were linked against the
older libstdc++ library?  Like I said, these packages are having their
dependencies updated to give a better dependency tree.  Once that is
done, the dependency will be removed some time after this release is out
the door.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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