Just a reminder that all of the following are either illegal or
strongly deprecated, so please don't use them even if Portage currently
lets you get away with it:

You should always use the full foo-bar/blah spec inside ebuilds.

If you specify an operator, you must also specify a version (and if you
specify a version, you must also specify an operator, but Portage
enforces that by way of exploding horribly).

DEPEND="foo? foo-bar/blah"
You should always use ( ) after a use? dependency.

DEPEND="foo? || ( ... )"
Extension of the above: you should use ( ) after a use? even if it's
immediately followed by a ||.

There're quite a few oddities like this in the tree. I'll be either
fixing them or filing bugs depending upon whether the package in
question is maintained.

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (King of all Londinium)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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