1.3.2006, 13:09:55, Paul de Vrieze wrote:

> On Tuesday 28 February 2006 21:20, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

>> | >     if [ "${IS_UPGRADE}" = "1" ] ; then
>> | >         einfo "Removing old version ${REMOVE_PKG}"
>> | >
>> | >         emerge -C "${REMOVE_PKG}"
>> | >     fi

> This code (or an equivalent kludge/hack) does however allow features that are
> of great value to our users. While I agree that such hacks should be avoided
> if possible, I think in this case it is not. As such the appropriate response
> is to isolate the hack in a central place, where it is clear to be seen and 
> can easilly be fixed. This allows the quality of the hack to be ensured, 
> relieving many webapps from doing hacks themselves.

> While this hack is being used, some effort should be put into
> constructively creating a proper solution for the problems that were
> hacked around. Saying  "this is not allowed because of X policy" is not
> helpful as the costs of  disallowing it greatly outweigh the costs of
> overlooking it in a controlled  manner.

Well yeah, but the problem here is that portage doesn't allow such stuff to
be used safely (locking issues, race conditions). And yeah, it's kinda
lacking sort of feature that would have its use in a couple of places.



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