Michael Renner wrote:
> Hi,
> as suggested by Mike in http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123335,
> here's my proposal for changing the layout of the distfiles tree:

> Introducing an additional directory hierarchy should fix this, and is
> the common solution for this problem for various projects, be it debian
> [1], cpan [2], slackware [3], etc.
> One migration scenario for a better future:
> Create subdirectories named after the first letter of each file and move
> the files in their respective directories.
> Either sym- or hardlink the files from the current distfiles
> root-directory to the specific directory where they reside in. (Check
> with the mirror admins first (depending on the chosen linktype) if rsync
> hardlink support is enabled or their web/ftp servers allow/follow symlinks)
> Adapt the build scripts so that they look for the files in their new
> location.
> Change the scripts which fetch the files for distfiles so that they save
> them under the new location.
> Wait a few weeks... (months? years? decades?) until the last user has
> updated and/or a clean upgrade-path exists, which doesn't rely on the
> old file locations.
> Drop the sym/hardlinks.

Is this plan for server side only distfiles, or do you want
/usr/portage/distfiles/{a-z}/ on the local system as well.  If that is
the case the answer is probably no.  We've been asked in the past to
implement a DISTFILES_PREFIX type system which would work in a similar
manner, and it really only complicates things.  Is there any needed
performance benefit out of the current scheme?  Can you give some
numbers as to how much this will help the average user?

I believe the Infrastructure team also doesn't want to change the
layout, but I'll leave it up to them to comment on their own policy ;)

> best regards,
> Michael Renner - admin of gentoo.inode.at/rsync1.at.gentoo.org
> [1] http://debian.inode.at/debian/pool/main/
> [2] http://www.slackware.at/data/slackware/slackware/
> [3] http://cpan.inode.at/modules/by-authors/id/

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