Dear All,

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Christel Dahlskjaer, the
newest member of the Gentoo Staff.  Christel joins our User Relations
project [1] to help bring it back up to speed (it has languished for a
little while).  She basically wowed a bunch of us in the past few weeks
with her ideas on how to revamp the project and resurface the roads
between the developer community and the user community.  She will be
working closely with Daniel Drake as well as the Developer Relations

Christel has been a friend of Gentoo for quite a while, serving as our
freenode contact (if you have a mask, chances are high that Christel
gave it to you). And you didn't even know it...

Ms. Dahlskjaer (Natasha, when she's in Russia) hails from Norway,
somewhere near the arctic circle.  She smarted up and moved to warmer
climes -- tropical England, where she lives these days.  She enjoys
belly dancing, yoga, coffee, sleeping with the light on, falling
bookmarks, unbookmarked spots in a book, and playing the violin:
sometimes in that order.

Please make her feel welcome. I'm sure we will be hearing from her quite
a bit in the near future.

Welcome Christel!


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