Ryan Phillips posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
excerpted below,  on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 22:47:51 -0800:

> We need to pick one VCS and only one.  Having multiple systems
> requires users to install multiple applications and learn each one.
> Not all of them are easy to pick up.  Plus, it would be nice to be
> able to merge from the overlays to the Portage trunk.

Keep in mind that due to the potential overlay overlap issues, most users
will likely only use one or two of the overlays and that would certainly
be the recommended approach. Thus, they'll merge and learn (if necessary)
whatever their chosen overlay is using, and not worry about the others. 
Advanced users and devs able to deal with the potential conflicts of
multiple overlays shouldn't have difficulty managing multiple version
control systems, and they'll be the only ones that have to worry about it.

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