Ingo Bormuth wrote:
Hi dev-list,

what is the rule concerning when to introduce new virtuals?

I created an ebuild for metaocaml which is a real drop in replacement for the ocaml programming language allowing for metaprogramming and dynamic linking. Metaocaml in fact is a patched version of ocaml. For licence reasons the patch is not available so I cannot optionally apply it in the ocaml ebuild.

Would you in such a case create a new virtual or just PROVIDE "dev-lang/ocaml" in the metaocaml ebuild ?

More information: Bug #111407

Thanks Ingo

For a small number of deps ( IE 2 providers ) you can use an || depend atom.

|| ( dev-lang/ocaml dev-lang/metaocaml ) -> for example

Regardless of the outcome ( virtual vs no virtual ) the virtual should be a new style, and not an old style virtual. I would say one is not necessary here however.
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