Aron Griffis wrote: [Mon Apr 03 2006, 06:35:52PM CDT]
> This should be shortened to say just what it means: Developers will
> have more fun, be more productive, and create a better distribution if
> we concentrate on the issues instead of resorting to personal attacks.

Although I tend to agree with your comments about the quality of the
writing, it's worth noting that much of this document was swiped from
Ubuntu's code of conduct.

> This part makes sense, I think...  though I don't see the point of
> codifying it except to "throw the book" at the next Paludis.  Frankly
> I think Ciaran did nothing wrong to restrict distribution on a project
> he didn't feel was ready for public consumption.  It has always seemed
> to me like the overreactions were the problem.

I think you're reading too much into that passage.  It's from Ubuntu's
code of conduct, and it is essentially stating (part of?) their social

> > Repeated disruptive behaviors will be viewed as a security and
> > stability threat to Gentoo.
> Classic switching to the passive voice when the actor wishes to be
> distanced from the action.  WHO will view these behaviors as
> a security and stability threat to Gentoo?  Is this a statement the
> existing developers are making?  The foundation?  Infra?

Here I'll certainly agree.  In fact, I agree with the rest of your
statements, so I can stop here.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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