On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 14:08 -0400, Curtis Napier wrote:
> Wolf31o2, what about you and the other CD maintainers, are you guys
> willing to use this if we can get it done?

CD creation has nothing to do with it, really.  We simply make stuff
based on the defaults.  If there were a "branding" USE flag on these
packages, we would use it.  That's about all of the interaction Release
Engineering would have with regard to this.  I do want to point out that
we have someone who has been doing our splash themes for us since 2005.0
for the releases (blackace).  The best course of action currently is
simply to pool the resources together and find out what you have
available with respect to artists and pre-existing work.

Please do NOT rush into this, or we'll end up looking worse off for it.

> PR, are you guys willing (or able) to remake your materials? What would
> it take?

The only "materials" that I am aware of that we have is some flyers and
generic business cards, along with the Gentoo "G" logo on a large
poster.  We shouldn't have too hard of a time changing stuff since we
don't really have much of anything, which is something I'm hoping we can

> Who runs the store? I can't find any info about it. Can you/will you
> change the products?

I do.  I can change them to anything, really.  The main concern I have
here is that we have something that can easily be translated into either
black and white or CYMK for pressing professional-looking CDs.  I am
currently working on investigating other avenues for what we can do to
provide a better service for our users and possibly generate more
revenue with our release media via our store.

> Anything else that can be themed that I'm missing?
> Like I said in that other email, if we start right now we could have it
> all done in time for 2007.0.

I wouldn't shoot for anything sooner than this, really, as it will take
a massive amount of coordination.

> Am I being crazy thinking we can do all of this? Does anyone else even
> want to try or think it's a good idea? Any other questions, comments,
> suggestions, flames?
> [1]http://lila-theme.berlios.de/
> [2]http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/icons.xml

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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