On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 02:20:55PM -0400, Ned Ludd wrote:
> Package: net-nds/openldap Herd: ldap Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We will be keeping the most recent version of each of the major
releases, as there are still people using them for interoperability with
other systems.

> Package: sys-auth/nss_ldap Herd: no-herd Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Package: sys-auth/pam_ldap Herd: pam Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Could I ask that nobody touch these two for a moment.
There's a few odd bugs that only seem to bite some people, some of the
time, and it's an ongoing process tracing them still.

> Package: app-text/pdftohtml Herd: printing Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Removed entire package.
Was hardmasked since January for security reasons, poppler is the replacement.

> Package: app-text/unrtf Herd: no-herd Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cleaned up two old versions - in 1 month, the latest series can go to
stable, and the other two ebuilds in here can get cleaned up.

Robin Hugh Johnson
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