On Friday 02 June 2006 00:16, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jun 2006 21:44:39 +0200
> Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like the council to discuss GLEP 49 as has been discussed on
> > the list some weeks ago. It is about the package manager requirements.
> Isn't it customary for issues raised on the list to be addressed before
> a GLEP is submitted to the council?

Besides the fact that the GLEP is long (overengineered?) there is one main 
point of disagreement. That point is the requirement of primary package 
manager hosting. As shown by various council members, they also have their 

It should not be that all points have to be resolved before the council can 
take a look at a GLEP. Part of the job of the council is to make decisions, 
not just to rubberstamp things. I believe that currently all things 
concerning the GLEP have been discussed, so now it is time to get feedback 
from the council. I did not request a decision now. I requested the council 
to discuss the GLEP.

On another point, the overengineering. Writing a package manager requires a 
big investment in time. The GLEP is detailed in various points to allow 
package manager writers to know what they can expect in the future. This 
gives them a hard target to work with. I agree with grant that the council 
will let sanity prevail. I do however think that the decisions by the council 
at such a time could lead to disappointments on the part of people who have 
written a replacement package manager that is not accepted. In general the 
document is intended as a guideline for package manager writers that 
describes their place within gentoo.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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