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Since no one has shown concern for these poor, frightened packages,
they will be humanely removed from portage.
- -Jon

Jon Hood wrote:
> If anyone has ever tried to run a gnutella gwebcache, they've
> probably noticed about 8-10 requests a second. And it increases
> during high-usage hours. This makes it useless to run cgi-based
> scripts unless you have a super-powerful database and web server.
> Since the usefulness of such scripts has gone to practically 0,
> they are no longer maintained upstream and I recommend the removal
> of them from portage. The following packages headed for the
> guillotine are:
> net-p2p/phpgnucacheii net-p2p/gwebcache net-p2p/perlgcache
> The recommended package for anyone wanting to support the gnutella
> network is net-p2p/ghostwhitecrab, which is its own built-in
> server. Ghostwhitecrab will continue to be maintained both upstream
> and in portage.
> If someone would like to save these packages from a gruesome death,
>  speak now. If not, I'll post another message to gentoo-dev right
> before the massacre, and everyone's welcome to join #gentoo-commits
> to watch the gore.
> -Jon

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