Carsten Lohrke wrote:

On Monday 05 June 2006 20:08, Harald van Dijk wrote:
No, the decision with the gtk/gtk2 USE flag mess was to have package
maintainers decide for each ebuild whether to support only gtk1 or only
gtk2, but not have support for both in a single ebuild.

I know about the decision of the Gnome team, but there also was a thread with maintainers refusing to remove optional gtk1|2 support, if I recall correctly. Personally I couldn't care less, as long as the gtk2 flag is history.
Sorry for the offtopic of this, but what would a user set as the useflags to have GTK-2 used by default, and GTK-1 for apps that only support it? (but not build GTK-2-capable apps with GTK-1)

Just wondering, because I know that gmplayer is from the mplayer package's gtk flag.. its gtk-1 so its not the optimal, but since i don't know of a gtk2 version (i do have kmplayer tho.. so its sorta a moot point for me.. i think its time i clean my install..)

Anyways, I agree that some of the defaults are a bit more liberal then i would perfer, but hey, i can change anything i want (thats the power of gentoo)

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