On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 10:01:32PM +0100, Stuart Herbert wrote:
> That's not my decision to make, as o.g.o lead.  That decision rightly
> belongs with the Council.  I'm referring this to the Council for them to 
> decide.

I would like to propose a last-minute change of the agenda for
Thursdays Gentoo Council meeting to include a discussion of the future
of Project Sunrise.

While I do realize this is a last-minute change, I believe this topic
is important enough to warrant a last-minute change as it seems to be
splitting the Gentoo developers in half.

I will attempt to be present at the Gentoo Council meeting on
Thursday but I have yet to find out the exact time it will be held.

Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Metadistribution | Mobile computing herd

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