Gabriel Lavoie wrote:
> I suppose for now that the best way to check the texmf tree dependencies is to
> install TeX Live using the .iso file?

I'm not sure I understand your question...
The tex packages that should go into the three trees is not necessarily
the packages that ships with texlive (the texmf tree that is downloaded
with the current texlive ebuild is the same as the one shipped in the
.iso file), they could just as well come from ctan (or any other place
for that matter, as long as the licenses are clear).
So what one should do is go to ctan and figure out the interdeps between
packages that goes into the texmf trees.

And some of the bigger packages (beamer,...) should _not_ be in the
texmf trees, since we want to be able to upgrade those without making a
new release of the temxf trees (which forces users to download a large
file again).

Martin Ehmsen
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