Jakub Moc wrote:
> Getting tired of this thread, really. Talk about too much ado for
> nothing. So, how about we stop wasting time, let people who are
> interested to do something do it, and the rest of us can focus on more
> important stuff than endless debates on mailing list and bothering
> Gentoo Council - such as fixing current bugs and cleaning the dead cruft
> in the tree, or fixing things not yet ported for modular X, or unported
> for gcc-4.x, or whatever else?

Damn liberal! [1]


[1] http://dev.gentoo.org/~chriswhite/docs/flame.html#doc_chap1_pre1

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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