While talking about herds etc...

Please, stick your addy into the relevant eclass if you are actually a
maintainer or at least a person to contact about the given eclass.
Examples of eclasses that just let me clueless and digging in the logs
when a bug/problem arrives:

cvs.eclass - ???
db-use.eclass - pauldv?
db.eclass - pauldv?
eutils.eclass - ???
flag-o-matic.eclass - ???
gems.eclass - ruby, are you taking bugs for this? pythonhead's been MIA
for ages, not much useful as a maintainer contact
gnat.eclass - ???
gnatbuild.eclass - ???
gnuconfig.eclass - ???
latex-package.eclass - ???
mercurial.eclass - agriffis, mind sticking your addy there? :)
mount-boot.eclass - ???
myspell.eclass - app-dicts?
subversion.eclass - pretty popular wrt bugs, anyone but hattya touching
this one?
tla.eclass - meh, does anyone use it?
versionator.eclass - anyone to take over after ciaranm?




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