On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 11:02:27PM -0700, Drake Wyrm wrote:
> Thomas Cort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is the proper quoting style for using epatch? In the tree there
> > are about 3 different styles...
> <snip>
> > What is the proper quoting style for defining the S variable? In the
> > tree there are about 3 different styles...
> It might be prudent to quote the variables, in case somebody, for
> whatever reason, has strange characters in assorted paths.
> > What is the purpose of setting DEPEND and RDEPEND to "" if DEPEND and
> > RDEPEND are optional[1][2]? Isn't that just a waste of disk space /
> > bandwidth? DEPEND="virtual/libc" seems like a waste too as it is an
> > implicit system dependency[3], any reason for using it?
> > 
> >     DEPEND=""             # used by 1479 ebuilds
> >     RDEPEND=""            # used by 884 ebuilds
> These two are probably not necessary, but some devs might prefer to use
> them in their ebuilds for the sake of explicitly stating the implied.
> >     DEPEND="virtual/libc" # used by 809 ebuilds
> There are opinions on both sides of this subject, but I think that most
> devs are starting to see the value in this. If a package requires some
> other package, say so. It may be a bit more work (twelve keystrokes),
> but it's worth the extra effort (twelve keystrokes) to be complete.
If I have a package that produces a dynamic (non-static) binary, and it
has no other deps, then I throw in virtual/libc.

If it produces a static binary only, or no binary, then it gets "".

What I would like to see at some point, is a real way of differencing
packages that really have no runtime dependencies - not even anything in
the system packages. As to what the best way to go about it, I'm not
certain, but I do think specifying a few packages: virtual/compiler,
virtual/libc and a few limited things from system packages should be ok.
Or maybe even virtual/system (with the compiler removed from that

Robin Hugh Johnson
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