
On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, George Prowse wrote:
> >> I'd like to propose some form of ability to post user comments
> >> to GWN stories.  I suppose a full blown CMS system would work,
> >> but for the ease of time I'm suggesting that perhaps we open up
> >> a GWN section on the forums and post the text of the GWN (or
> >> perhaps each section) in a new thread each week and allow users
> >> to write comments.  I think opening up this venue of feedback
> >> would let users more readily tell us what they're interested
> >> in, and it would allow GWN contributors/editors/etc to see some
> >> of the fruits of their labors.
> >>
> >> Any comments?
> >
> >Principally, I agree (though I'd also rather go with the blog
> >approach as Patrick suggested). One point though: commenting only
> >being possible after registration may cut down on the spam (both
> >commercial and vandalism),
> You have to register for a forums as well (usually) and if it were
> made part of Gentoo's forums then there would be no need for extra
> moderators.

Okay, I put it a bit strangely. What I meant was that a blog does
not need registration (if it has sufficient anti-spam measures).
A forum usually does.

> >but it also raises the bar for legitimate comments.
> Again, the thread system of forums allows for easier viewing of comments.

Easier than a blog? I beg to differ. Does a forum have an RSS
feed I can subscribe to? A blog puts more emphasis on the order
of articles (in time) than a forum does. So I'm leaning towards a

> >I'm not saying there should be no hurdle, it's just that it
> >should be thought of/decided beforehand.
> Personally I think discussions in a wiki get more difficult the longer
> the discussion carries on, also i think the ability to get an email
> after comments have been made on a thread is a *big* advantage over
> the wiki style.

Oh, I wasn't suggesting using a wiki. One probably could make a
wiki work the way needed here, but I think using a blog (or
forums) is far easier.

> It would be easier to clean up and cut down on vandalism because GWN
> contributors and authors could have an ability to moderate said forum
> and delete threads once they have been used or discarded.

Well, moderators on a blog could do that too: most blogs allow
comments to be closed for articles older than a set number of

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