On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 02:46:59AM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> weeeeeeeeell it's about that time of the year ... time for nominating people 
> for the next Gentoo Council

I know I haven't been around a huge amount lately, I'm getting married
in a month, so I've been a bit busy. However I would like to run for
Council - with a specific eye towards getting the tree signed and

I have been working on the issue, and I've got a set of proto-GLEPs that
I need to polish off and post up for discussion. For the most part,
we're closer to doing it than realized by most, and the work required on
the part of each developer isn't large at all. Most importantly, the
base part of it is accomplished simply with the collaboration of the
Portage crew and Infrastructure - more details to follow soon.

I'm not certain if it's good to be a one-issue candidate but
adding security to the tree is something that presents a major gain to

Robin Hugh Johnson
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