On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 23:22:33 -0600 Ryan Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 23:20:16 -0500 "Alex Tarkovsky"
| > | This "no QA" accusation is a complete myth. QA led by actual
| > | Gentoo developers is indeed in place at Sunrise [1].
| > Did you look at *which* actual Gentoo developers are on the list?
| You know, that was a completely unnecessary personal attack.  God
| forbid anyone take the time to attempt something they think may be
| beneficial to the community.  If you in all your elitist wisdom think
| you can do better then try helping out.  If not, then please fuck off.

Good intentions and trying to be helpful don't keep users or
developers. Screwups lose users and developers.

Would you stick a bunch of war evacuees on a plane piloted by Britney
Spears if she said she was doing it because she wanted to be helpful?

| > Even that aside, if a couple of hundred developers can't handle
| > doing QA for all those maintainer-wanted ebuilds, what makes you
| > think four people can?
| If a couple of hundred developers actually paid any attention
| whatsoever to maintainer-wanted ebuilds then there wouldn't have to
| be any such project in the first place.

A couple of hundred developers can barely handle the main tree...

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

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