On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 13:48 -0500, Lance Albertson wrote:
> Patrick Lauer wrote:
> > (Note to our sponsors: you rock. Keep on rocking.)
> > 
> > Right now bugs is served from a 2,4Ghz P4 - that's roughly a normal
> > desktop box from last year. 
> You have no concept of where the bottle neck is.
I have followed the discussions quite well. I think I'm quite aware of
the issues.

>  The webserver hosting
> the cgi part isn't being loaded hardly at all.
Yes, only problem is that bugzilla likes to consume larger amounts of
memory, and if I'm not mistaken it's a bad interaction from a OOM killer
(to avoid the webfrontend to die) causing stale locks (which should not
happen) that causes bugzie to fall over, ja?
(I've been told a simple testcase to demonstrate that, haven't tried

>  The database server is a
> pretty beefy box, and again, its not so much a specific hardware
> limitation, just more a limitation on the design of bugzilla and its
> ties to mysql. We're having to 'fix' the problem by getting a
> master/slave mysql db server setup which the OSL didn't have setup at
> the time. This is apparently the 'solution' upstream suggests which I
> think is daft, but its what we have to do.
... and one of the slowdowns was OSU being unable to get their DB cluster up 
and running within a reasonable timeframe. Fertilizer happens ...

> Please stop stating solutions to problems you don't fully understand or
> think you understand. I'm getting tired of all this fud being said
> around about stuff people don't totally understand.
I'm getting tired of being told "we can manage it", then having to wait
6 months to hear "almost there". We had a few people asking how they
could help, and the answer was roughly "we manage fine on our own, thank
you very much". Personally I don't mind much, but then you shouldn't
complain when people say "we could have done better" ...

>  Hardware from
> sponsors mean nothing if they aren't utilized in a proper manner with
> planning and skills. And its not really a big bottle neck of people. 
That sounds contradictory to me - it's not the people, it's the people?

> You
> try finding people who have a ton of free time, have excellent admin
> skills, gives everyone on the team a 'good vibe' and seems trustworthy.
For me it's easy, being a dev for more than, say, 3 months = trustworthy
Of course if you need to recruit from the outside the situation changes

> Its not as easy as you think it is.
Let me try and fail and I'll believe you ...

>  I'm in the process of bringing on a
> guy I know personally which will help the load of things a lot. Plus, he
> works with me, so I can kick him literally if he slacks :). (now if only
> recruiters *cough*swift*cough* could work faster ;-) )

> Anyways, I'm not going to rant on about this anymore. We're working on
> the problem, and you just have to be patient.
Nooooooo :-) You said the bad words again! ;-)

I hope you get everything fixed soonish, let's hope Murphy's law doesn't
try to apply here ...

Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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