On Thursday 24 August 2006 20:46, Alec Warner wrote:
> Robert Cernansky wrote:
> > What bothers me also, is that it has not plugin design like
> > xmms. Support for plugins is very good because lot of people can write
> > plugins for lot of things. This is why people do not want to switch
> > from xmms because thanks to plugins it have so many features that
> > currently no player is able to overcome it.
> So port the plugins from xmms to $NEW_CLIENT, since xmms is an old piece
> of crap.

Who cares. It works (mostly), it is lightweight, and there are enough people 
using it to keep it in the tree. As long as things don't break beyond repair 
I see no reason whatsoever to remove xmms (or any other largely unmaintained 
package in the tree).


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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