On Thursday 24 August 2006 10:26, Wernfried Haas wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 12:54:23AM -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> > The council doesn't actually do anything AFAICT, it just "approves" GLEP
> > decisions that have already been made. So in effect we have no
> > leadership.
> Suspending sunrise was a decision, as was unsuspending it. However i
> agree that currently their main role is approving GLEPs and other
> decisions which makes them official Gentoo decisions.
> If that's a good or bad thing (tm) depends on the POV, i mainly think
> it's good to have it like that and no leader whatsoever.

A big issue, that I hope to correct is exactly this indeciciveness in the 
council. It is my position that the council needs to be proactive in 
decisions and in setting a goal for the distribution.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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