On Wednesday 06 September 2006 06:50, John Mylchreest wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've been very slack about announcing some of our new guys recently, and
> not least Javier Villavicencio.

I'm too white for this.. how do you say your last name :(?

> Javier, known on IRC as The_Paya, joined us to work on all aspects
> Gentoo/FreeBSD plus anything else he can throw his skills at! 

Diego's gonna be bored

> Coming from Argentina he has an interest in fishing, high end hardware and
> playing with imaging apps.

You use those imaging apps to make the fish look 5x longer don't you :P

> Javier has also done a great job of infiltrating yet another company
> with production servers running Gentoo :)

Did it involve Chuck Norris and roundhouse kicks?

> I'm sure I'm not the only one to throw thank-you's and welcome him on
> board! Here's to a long and enjoyable involvement with Gentoo!

thank you?

Chris White
Gentoo Developer aka:
ChrisWhite              cpw
ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate
VanillaWhite            Whitey
WhiteLight              WhiteCheese
WhiteSugar              WhiteButter
WhiteWall               WhiteLemon
WhiteApple              WhiteBlanket
WhiteEnergy             WhiteWhite

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