Danny van Dyk wrote:
I for one favour a more flattened profiles/ and a way to mark a profile
as 'not standalone', similar to a deprecated file, that isn't inherited, to stop users biting their own asses. The following sample is not complete, but should give the right impressions.

By 'not standalone', I assume you mean "this profile does not work by itself, and is only meant to be inherited by other profiles". If that's not what you meant, we also need something that does that :)

 +-obsolete, which contains the "old cascaded profiles". Let's remove
 |           the current obsolete/ contents.

Doing this will break portage for people who are using "old cascaded profiles". Portage would freak out if there wasn't a profile where there was one before, and there wouldn't be a way to do a 'deprecated' file to tell them about the new ones.

 +-default-linux, minimal default useflags here
 | |
 | +-linux-2.4, would be handy for x86 :-) amd64 has no supported 2.4
 |              kernel.
 +-hardened, minimal default useflags here
 +-default-bsd, minimal default useflags here
 | |
 | +fbsd, inherits default-bsd/
 | |
 | +amd64, inherits base/
   +-2006.1, does not inherit anything, stuff like "nptl nptlonly" here
     +-amd64-linux, inherits default-linux/, base/amd64; "standalone"
     +-amd64-hardened, inherits hardened, base/amd64; "standalone"
     +-amd64-fbsd, inherits default-bsd/fbsd/, base/amd64; "standalone"

This is a hot shot and I'm waiting for comments.
Wolf? Agaffney?

I can't really comment on the structure, since I don't really do much with profiles myself (no gentoo-x86 commit access).

I'm prepared to do the work here and, as this new layout would take
some time, it should be done in a seperate repository for the time being.

Not necessary. It can just be a separate directory tree under profiles/ much like default-linux/ was created for cascaded profiles originally, and they can all be marked as deprecated or something.

Andrew Gaffney                            http://dev.gentoo.org/~agaffney/
Gentoo Linux Developer                                   Installer Project
Today's lesson in political correctness:      "Go asphyxiate on a phallus"
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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