On Monday 06 November 2006 17:55, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 02:18:41 +0000 Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | Yes, I'm also sick of this negative level of civility. If I don't
> | preempt it now, I'll likely be told that I'm taking the above two
> | quotes out of context
> Which you are, since you removed a large part of my answer and then
> used it to claim that my answer was unhelpful. Hint: read all of what I
> wrote.

I didn't claim that you were unhelpful; I merely claimed that you weren't 
civil. In fact, I acknowledged that your responses could be learned from.

> | Ciaran's analogies are always outrageous, condescending and greatly
> | accentuated.
> And a lot of people find them a pleasant change from the usual lack of
> style and humour exhibited on this list. Effective technical writing
> does not have to be boring.

Sure, but others just find them to be uncivil personal attacks.

> | Specifically, his intention is never to help the person
> | he is replying to, but rather to show them that they are wrong.
> The person is irrelevant. What matters is whether someone looks at a
> proposed incorrect solution and uses it.
> | He believes that is purely up to the person that he is replying to
> | whether they learn from it or not.
> Well yes. What is this, nursery school?

Keep these two points in mind.

> | discussing it further won't help any.
> But you still felt the need to try to throw in a cheap shot full of
> personal attacks. Right.

My intention was only to present the facts as I see them so as to reassure 
Ryan Hill that he is not alone. I can understand why you might take offense, 
but I was no more throwing in "a cheap shot full of personal attacks" than 
you do with your analogies. I thought that there might be a slim chance that 
you'd learn from what I said, but I left that decision up to you - after all, 
this isn't nursery school.

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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