Ryan Hill wrote:
> Steve Long wrote:
>> Robert Buchholz wrote:
>>> Since the tree itself is the best database of the packages available,
>>> anything else would be a lot more overhead.
>> I really don't agree, altho I could well be missing something. Surely there
>> should be a maintenance/QA database which tracks the tree and where you
>> could put information like this (ie a boolean flag for this instance) which
>> simply shouldn't be exposed to users. There's no need for it, it doesn't
>> effect them, and why should it go in the ebuilds where a maintainer might
>> delete it?
> I just use a local db to keep track of stuff like this, but haven't
> thought of a way to turn this into a service and i don't think it's
> really doable.  I think you'd need an entry for every ebuild in portage,
> times the number of archs, times an unlimited number of arbitrary fields
> (one for each thing you're tracking).  Something like, say, checking
> every package in the tree for GPL-2 or GPL-2+ licenses doesn't need the
> separate arch entries of course, but stuff like GCC testing definitely does.
> Even if you did manage to set this up, I wouldn't want to maintain it.

I don't want to sound negative and I like the idea a lot, but two things
are on my mind about this:

It should also sync with changes in the tree, like package removals,
additions and package moves.

When you're talking about it on ebuild base: When a version bump is out,
will it inherit the flags of the version before?


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