Hi all,

Time for me to leave, exclusively for personal reason.

I had a real great time with gentoo, learn a lot of useful things so this is a sad leave but anyway it's needed.

In the latest few days there have been rather strong changes and additions to the tree, mainly to fix some minor bugs and to try to bring development some weeks forward to make things easier for the other mysql-team developer to step in.

dev-db/mysql has from today the 5.0.32 version, that should resolve totally innodb performances with threads (already mostly fixed in 5.0.30)

dev-db/mysql-community has the new 5.1 series and is good for crazy people or those who want to test new disk based clustering.

dev-db/mysql-slotted is absolutely not ready (and probably never will be) but for the moment it's a good way to test more versions in the same chroot, it has also a 5.2.0-falcon snapshot so very crazy ppl can test it.

I've added slotted and bitkeeper stuff without consensus from other developers, so consider them as "removable at any time".

I'll _try_ to answers mail as far as my vivo_at_gentoo_org is still active, ususally one month after retirement.

bug is http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90392

Thanks to all for the great time.

-- Francesco Riosa aka vivo
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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