On Saturday 17 February 2007, Markus Ullmann wrote:
> Also about last year, are there known improvements other mentoring
> organizations had out of SoC? (Like KDE, GNOME,...)
You can see the projects for KDE at [1], as well for the other organisations, 
but I'm not sure if they published the final overviews that the other 
projects published.

For what I can see by skimming through soc-admins right now, PHP project 
launched a new version of [2] last october, with SoC work embedded; KOffice 
1.6 contains at least two SoC projects results (KFormula and Krita 
improvements), as Luca pointed out FFmpeg got a working VC-1 decoder (and 
WMV3 came with that), and now the AC3 and AMR decoders are getting in shape; 
Amarok got DAAP support half working during SoC and completed afterward (in 
this case the developer was a previous Amarok developer anyway), 1.4.5 have 
working both client and server DAAP support.

For boost you can look at [3], quoting:
| Seven projects were completed or nearly completed and the students are
| expected to ask for a formal review within 2006 or early 2007. Four of
| these projects necessitated a goal reorientation during development,
| basically because the original plan was too ambitious for three months.
| Most of the projects are still in active development during the months
| following the Summer of Code program. Two projects did not reach the
| planned goals, but nevertheless produced useful material that could be
| expanded outside of the Summer of Code program. One project was abandoned
| shortly after the midterm review. The reasons for the abandonment are
| unknown.

And so Adium [4], NetBSD [5], Gallery [6].

There are a few more info that were posted directly on the list and as I'm not 
sure if they were public, so I didn't quote or copy out of them, and I don't 
have a pointer for them as the list is private.
I didn't find anything from us, note even as a post on the list, which is 
somewhat disappointing.

[1] http://code.google.com/soc/kde/about.html
[2] http://gcov.php.net/
[3] http://boost.org/more/boost_soc_06_overview.html
[4] http://www.adiumx.com/blog/2006/10/google-summer-of-code-2006-roundup.php
[5] http://www.netbsd.org/Foundation/press/soc2006-summary.html
[6] http://gallery.menalto.com/summer_of_code/2006/wrapup
Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://farragut.flameeyes.is-a-geek.org/
Gentoo/Alt lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, Sound, ALSA, PAM, KDE, CJK, Ruby ...

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