On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 03:16:27PM +0100, Marius Mauch wrote:
> While Diego did an awesome job with converting many packages to 
> Manifest2 there are still about 400 packages that aren't converted 
> yet. If you maintain any package in the attached list please update 
> it to use Manifest2.
> To update a package make sure that you're using portage-2.1.2-r9 or 
> later, run `ebuild foo.ebuild manifest` (doesn't matter which 
> version you pick for that command) and commit it.

Mind you, having only 4% of the tree still at m1 is good- the problem 
is that around 20% (around 2.3k pkgs) of the m2 packages are 

Around 70% of the issue comes down to manifests containing just 
size data for a distfile- the other 30% is having size, rmd160, and 
sha256, but lacking sha1- ironically, the only required checksum for 

At http://pkgcore.org/~ferringb/manifest2-broken-packages.log is the 
list of the horked cat/pkgs (would attach it, but it's 45k).

I'm lazy, so if you want it regenerated bug someone (or merge 
pkgcore-checks-0.3.1) to run 

pcheck -r $PORTDIR '*' -c Manifest2Transition

adding "--reporter strreporter" if they want an easily greppable 

The full logs for this list are at 
http://pkgcore.org/~ferringb/manifest-simple.log, with a more human 
readable version at http://pkgcore.org/~ferringb/manifest-fancy.log .

Reiterating; for m2 transition to occur, the size screwups at the very 
least has to be fixed; the missing sha1 m2s are problematic, but they 
at least have chksum data for all files.


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