OK, but it appears that PMS is not hosted on Gentoo infrastructure,
and its development is not controlled by Gentoo. Therefore it is not a
Gentoo project, and therefore the Council, QA, etc. should not be
treating it if it is a Gentoo project.



On 3/2/07, Andrew Gaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Daniel Robbins wrote:
> I don't understand half of what you said.
> You are saying that PMS is a sub-project of QA? Is the PMS spec hosted
> on Gentoo infrastructure?
>  From all I have read, PMS is meant to define the functionality of
> Paludis itself, which is not a Gentoo project. Because of this, PMS
> can't be considered a Gentoo project.

That may be what it's meant to do now, but that was not the original purpose. It
was originally to be a written specification of EAPI=0, which is essentially
portage's current functionality. It's only later that the whole PMS == Paludis
thing came about.

Andrew Gaffney                            http://dev.gentoo.org/~agaffney/
Gentoo Linux Developer                                   Installer Project
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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