Dňa Fri, 2 Mar 2007 21:02:54 -0700
"Daniel Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napísal:

> #3 It's ok to add themes to Portage if they are part of an official
> theme collection for a particular package. That way we have all the
> official themes - everything else would be up to the user to install.

What if there is some unofficial, user-contributed theme which is very,
very popular among users of relevant package. I think that makes it a
perfect candidate for being in portage[1], while not falling under your
three exceptions.

> Portage was really designed for executable software, not for arbitrary
> collections of binary data (themes, ezines, etc.) Not that
> collecting/indexing those things is bad, just not really what Portage
> is aimed at.

Realizing that I am replying to someone who was at the birth of
Portage, I disagree - Portage is a means of getting filesets installed
on a system in a controlled way. Choice of these filesets should be
purely at packagers' discretion. Of course, common sense has to be

1. The reason for this is the same as the one we hate certain
distributions, which force us to install nvidia drivers ourselves,
without package manager aid.

Kind regards,
Andrej Kacian <ticho at gentoo org>
Gentoo Linux developer - net-mail, antivirus, sound, x86

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